The Zachary Community School Board desires the citizens of the district to attend its meetings so that they may become better acquainted with the schools and so that the School Board may have opportunity to hear the wishes and/or ideas of the public.


It is the policy of the School Board to conduct all meetings in full view of and with welcomed participation by the public.  However, the School Board reserves the right to recess into or call executive sessions for discussing matters as provided by state law.  At no time shall actions be taken or resolutions made during executive sessions.




All delegations or individuals who wish to appear before the School Board shall submit their written requests to the Superintendent or the School Board President at least five (5) working days prior to the meeting date, stating what matters they wish to take up with the School Board and the approximate time such matters should consume at the meeting. Such items may be included on the agenda of the meeting at which the delegation or individual wishes to appear before the School Board.  If not submitted on time to be placed on the agenda, the item may be held over for the next scheduled meeting of the School Board.  Each delegation appearing before the School Board shall select in advance one (1) person as its spokesperson and statements shall be presented in a concise manner.




A public comment period shall be held before any vote is taken on an agenda item.  Comments from the public shall occur after introduction of the item to be voted on and before any discussion by School Board members.   However, a person is not entitled to take up business before the School Board unless the item in which he/she is interested has been placed on the agenda of that meeting.


Generally, each person wishing to address the School Board shall be requested to fill out a speaker's form prior to the meeting indicating on which agenda item he or she would like to speak, and be recognized by the President.  The person shall be afforded the floor, not to exceed three (3) minutes.  Each individual shall be recognized to speak only once per agenda item.  If an individual wishes to speak on more than one agenda item, he or she shall fill out a separate speaker's form for each agenda item.  No dialogue between School Board members and the public shall be permitted at School Board meetings, except to clarify the nature of questions and/or comments.


In the event that the School Board should add an item to its agenda after the School Board meeting begins, the School Board President shall orally request of the audience whether anyone in attendance would like to speak on the added agenda item.  Each person indicating a desire to do so shall be given an opportunity to address the School Board on each agenda item added.  The School Board shall delay deliberations on that agenda item until such time as all interested members of the public have had an opportunity to speak.


When an individual has been recognized to speak on an agenda item, that individual shall limit his/her comments to matters that are strictly relevant to that item.  The President reserves the right to stop any comments when deemed necessary.


Revised:  February, 2007

Revised:  September, 2008



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 42:14, 42:15, 42:16, 42:23

Board minutes, 2-8-07, 9-25-08


Zachary Community School Board