All twelve (12) month full-time employees shall earn annual leave at the following rates based on length of employment:


One to four years -

10 days per year

Five to nine years -

15 days per year

Ten years or more -

20 days per year


Annual leave shall be posted at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Annual leave, when not used, shall be allowed to accumulate to the credit of the employees to a maximum of fifty (50) days.


Annual leave shall only be granted in half-day increments.  All annual leave must be turned in to the Superintendent for review and approval prior to taking anticipated annual leave.


Any unused annual leave at the time of separation (termination or resignation) shall be paid on or before the next regular payday for the pay cycle during which the employee was working at the time of separation or no later than fifteen (15) days following the date of resignation, whichever occurs first at the employee’s daily rate of pay. 


Any unused annual leave at the time of death, retirement, or entrance into DROP at option of the employee shall be paid to the employee or his/her estate within (15) days of receipt by the Board of completed required documentation.


Revised: November, 2001

Revised: March, 2003

Revised: November, 2003

Revised: November, 2004



Ref:   La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§11:754, 11:786, 11:788, 17:81, 17:425.1, 23:631

Board minutes, 3-13-03, 7-24-03; 11-18-04


Zachary Community School Board